I have always wanted a Pomeranian, and after months of searching for the right puppy, we found the right one 4 weeks ago, and felt it was the right time to introduce a puppy into our family. My blog will now be centred around dog friendly travel and dog friendly locations, and all things Paris!
Paris is a white/cream Pomeranian, now 15 weeks old. We brought her home at 11 weeks old from an amazing breeder who did everything she could to raise a well-rounded puppy.

The First Few Weeks
The first 2 weeks with Paris were difficult to say the least. As a toy breed and a puppy, she has a tiny bladder, and so she needed the toilet around every 20 minutes, so there were lots of accidents while we figured this out! She also really didnt take to the crate – she would cry and bark as soon as we left the room which meant lots of sleepless nights.
Once we got past the first 2 weeks, things started to improve. We got the help of a trainer to help us with Paris sleeping at night, who recommended getting her a play pen and putting her crate and bed in here. However, this also did not work, so instead we chose to put her in a completely puppy proofed room, the kitchen with her bed and crate in. After making this change, Paris now sleeps from around 10pm-5am and only barks in the morning to go out to the toilet! She is still struggling with letting us know when she needs to go to the toilet, however, she is getting much better at going when we tell her to.

Paris is now taking part in puppy classes, where she is working towards her Kennel Club Good Citizens Puppy Foundations award and is really improving in her obedience.
She is a beautiful, friendly and playful puppy and loves cuddles, attention, and licking faces! We can’t wait to see her grow and explore!

Paris is adorable 😍